What Causes Fatigue? Part 1: Diet, Sleep and Nutrient Deficiencies
Fatigue is one of the most commonly listed complaints that clients include on their pre-consultation questionnaire, so why are so many people so tired? One of the reasons that fatigue is so common is...
Bulletproof 2016 Biohacking Conference Recap
2500 people from around the world gathered to attend the 4th Annual Bulletproof Biohacking Conference in Pasadena, a sunny corner of LA. Just walking around the city, it was clear that the Bulletproof® tribe...
Optimising Your Digestion
Living a Bulletproof lifestyle is one of the best ways to improve both your physical and mental health. In particular, one of the biggest changes that I see in clients who ditch the grains...
The Organiser of Bulletproof® Living Melbourne Shares His Story
Hi, I’m Hong, a Bulletproof® aficionado and soon to be Certified Bulletproof® Coach. I'm the organiser and host of a monthly Meetup group in Melbourne for like minded people to connect in person, share...
Collagen Supplements: How to Get More Into Your Diet
Collagen is a long-chain amino acid and makes up around 30% of the protein in the human body. It is found in our skin, bones and connective tissue. It's essentially the 'glue' that holds us together. Once boiled,...